Como parte de nuestro compromiso con los superalimentos silvestres de próxima generación, hemos recopilado literatura académica de terceros sobre nuestros diversos cultivos, el área del Valle de Quijos, bosques nubosos, modelos agrícolas y críticas, y otros temas relacionados.
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Braun, Holger, Juliana Chamorro-Rengifo and Glenn K. Morris, 'Curious Katydids from the Andes of Colombia and Ecuador: Three New Species, a New Genus and Acoustic Baffles', Journal of Orthoptera Research 18.2 (2009) 225-35 <https://www.jstor.org/stable/25622291>
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Clark, John L., 'A new species of Drymonia (Gesneriaceae) from the eastern slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes', Brittonia 65.2 (2013) 181-85 <https://doi.org/10.1007/s12228-012-9275-8>
Hall, Minard L. and others, 'Antisana volcano: A representative andesitic volcano of the eastern cordillera of Ecuador: Petrography, chemistry, tephra and glacial stratigraphy', Journal of South American Earth Sciences 73 (2017) 50-64 <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsames.2016.11.005>
Journal of Insect Science 9.1 (2009) <https://academic.oup.com/jinsectscience/issue/9/1>, especially Articles 26-39
Knapp, Sandra, 'Four New Vining Species of Solanum (Dulcamaroid Clade) from Montane Habitats in Tropical America', PLoS ONE 5.5 (May 2010) <https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0010502>
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- Uzendoski, Michael A., 'The Horizontal Archipielago: The Quijos/Upper Napo Regional System', Ethnohistory 51.2 (Spring 2004) 317-357 <https://doi.org/10.1215/00141801-51-2-317>
- Van der Werf, Henk, 'Studies in Andean Ocotea (Lauraceae) II. Species with Hermaphrodite Flowers and Densely Pubescent Lower Leaf Surfaces, Occurring Above 1000 Meters in Altitude', Novon 22.3 (May 2013) 336-70 <https://www.jstor.org/stable/43288947>
Wasserstrom, Robert, 'Surviving the Rubber Boom: Cofán and Siona Society in the Colombia-Ecuador Borderlands (1875–1955)', Ethnohistory 61.3 (Summer 2014) 525-48 <https://doi.org/10.1215/00141801-2681786>